HVAC Maintenance

Replacing A Furnace? 3 Things To Think About Before You Do


There are many reasons that justify the replacement of a furnace over the continued use an existing, inefficient furnace. A furnace replacement may be triggered by a decreasing efficiency, high and costly fuel usage, regular faults, and routine repairs of your current furnace. Just as you take the time to discern whether or not to replace a furnace, you should take time to assess the suitability of your new furnace. Fuel source, furnace efficiency and heating capacity should comprise things you should think about of your new furnace.

3 things to think about before choosing a replacement furnace

Furnace Efficiency

The efficiency of a furnace is defined as the percentage of output (heating) it (furnace) generates in relation to the fuel it consumes, and it is calculated as a percentage. It is best to choose a furnace with a high efficiency, rather than a low efficiency because a low-efficiency furnace will consume and lose more energy, therefore, incur you high utility bill. Whereas high-efficiency furnaces may cost slightly higher than low-efficiency furnaces, they (high-efficiency) save on energy usage, and, therefore, utility bills.

Fuel Source

Electricity, coal, wood, gas and kerosene comprise conventional fuels that power furnaces. Time may have an effect on the availability and the price/ cost of one fuel over the others. When choosing a replacement furnace, think about the availability and the cost of the fuel that powers that furnace. Do not choose a gas furnace simply because your current furnace uses gas; if the cost of gas has risen, and continues to rise, choose an electrical furnace if electricity costs are more affordable than the cost of gas.

Heating Capacity

You should, above all else, check that your replacement furnace can meet the heating needs of your premises. Furnaces with a small heating capacity might require you to run them longer than necessary, or even force you to purchase additional heating devices. Overly big furnaces simply consume more energy, not to mention indoor overheating is hazardous to human health. The best way to know your heating needs, hence the best heating capacity furnace, is to have an HVAC professional assess your premises and advice you accordingly.


Choosing a replacement furnace should be taken as seriously as deciding whether or not to replace a furnace. Consider the heating capacity, furnace efficiency and fuel source of the replacement furnace before acquiring and installing it. Replacing an inefficient furnace with an efficient furnace can save you unnecessary repairs and fuel bills, while giving you utmost comfort. Call to discuss your furnace replacement options.