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Governors’ Promise To Help Consumers Increase Energy Efficiency

Increase Energy Efficiency of the Consumers

According to the National Governor’s Association, individual states have played a key role in improving energy efficiency rules and standards to ensure a better tomorrow. Governors around the country have placed focus on how industry and consumers can reduce their carbon emissions, and thus, greatly improve the environment through investing in new power plants, and by the same token, improve current systems already in place.

The fact remains that everyone wins when energy efficiency is Increase Energy Efficiency, from consumers to industry, and of course, the planet. Citizens, businesses, and government alike stand to gain from savings with regards to energy costs, in addition to benefiting from less pollution and a healthier, cleaner environment. Having said that, it’s important to reiterate that to increase energy efficiency is different from conserving energy, as it is meant to provide the same level of service, without cutting back. This is possible through better built energy efficient appliances, upgrading insulation, or optimizing heating, Air conditioning and air ventilation systems, both in industry and in homes.

Along with legislators, governors have been committed to exploring new energy sources, as well as updating both building and appliance standards since 2008, playing a role in developing about 300 actions that would improve energy efficiency. For instance, they provide incentives to encourage further investments from private sectors, by supporting research through partnering with them, as well as with universities, to continue to expand their studies. However, actions to advance Increase Energy Efficiency vary from one state to another. As this is a costly endeavor, encouraging the private sector’s involvement in creating new generation energy efficiency is key to finding better solutions, and that entails extensive research. With energy costs constantly on the rise, consumers continue to pay higher prices to maintain their households and their quality of life, but these plans can actually help consumers lower their energy costs.

There are numerous opportunities that exist which could greatly advance energy efficiency. As such, it’s crucial for government involvement to create interest for options to continue to be explored, although there are many challenges that hinder progress, such as regulations, initial costs, and a lack of important data that would clearly demonstrate any benefits it would bring. Governors have also focused their efforts on specific goals to reduce energy use by 20% in state-owned buildings, developing rigorous energy codes as one strategy, in an effort to set a good example to both consumers and businesses. Energy efficiency is a smart approach to reducing emissions that pollute the air and put a huge strain on the environment. The generation of millions of metric tons of carbon dioxide has been avoided as a result of electric efficiency programs.