
How Palo Alto Maintains Exceptional Customer Service

We at Palo Alto hold good customer service in the same regard as the products that we offer and our technical capabilities. In this blog, your local HVAC and plumbing contractor shares insight on how we maintain professionalism and quality customer service during service calls.

Sewer Backup

We Respect Our Customers’ Time

Time is a truly valuable resource, and we at Palo Alto understand how it can make or break business relationships, which is why we make it a point to be on time for our appointments, commit to our promised deadlines and ensure completion of our work as scheduled.  Our experience in performing HVAC and plumbing services lets us estimate completion times with accuracy.

We Set Customer Expectations

In the event of unavoidable delays—usually due to weather or supplier-related issues—we make sure our customers are aware of them. We also provide the most accurate quotes possible, while setting their expectations regarding things such as unexpected repairs, which are usually due to hidden problems that don’t get discovered until plumbing or HVAC installation is already underway. Setting expectations also includes explaining the scope of the work to our customers. While the nature of the work involves a lot of technical terms, we take the time to explain as best we can what we’ll do to our customers’ HVAC or plumbing system, why we’re doing it and what the benefits will be once we’re done. Sometimes HVAC and plumbing work can disrupt daily routines; knowing the scope of work can help our customers minimize such disruptions.

We Follow Up With Our Customers

Once the job is completed, we follow up with an email or phone call to make sure our customers are 100% satisfied. We understand that not all homeowners are familiar with the intricacies of a new HVAC system, so we make it a point to answer follow-up questions, as well as offer care and maintenance tips.

We Keep a Professional Look

Service appointments are informal meetings, but you probably don’t want a shabbily-dressed HVAC technician or plumber showing up for your appointment. Each one of our team members dress for the occasion, with clothing that bears our logo.

Call Palo Alto for Your HVAC and Plumbing Needs

Palo Alto is your leading provider of plumbing and HVAC services. Experience our exceptional customer service by giving us a call at (650) 856-3400 or filling out our contact form. We serve customers in East Palo Alto, CA, and nearby areas.

What Heat Pump Noises Are Trying to Tell You

For some homeowners, a noisy heat pump is a definite sign of trouble. However, take a moment and listen to the sounds it’s making, because they might offer you clues about what’s wrong with the unit. You don’t have to be a plumber or an expert in heating when faced with a faulty system, but it pays to be armed with some basic troubleshooting know-how when you’re waiting for the technician to arrive. Read more

Common Summer Plumbing Problems

Air conditioning systems are not the only ones to see overuse during the dog days of summer. This season also marks a notable increase in water usage. Water is essential to your daily activities, and ensuring that it flows smoothly without any issues should remain at the top of your priority list when it comes to summer household chores.

Low Water Pressure: Is It a Symptom of a Bigger Problem?

Having low water pressure is understandably frustrating, especially when it happens at the worst time possible. While this may be a sign of a bigger plumbing problem, don’t jump to conclusions until you’ve done the following: Read more

How to Find an Energy Auditor, and Why You Need One

An energy-efficient home provides many benefits, from energy savings to improved heating and air conditioning system performance. The first step to improving home energy efficiency is having an energy audit conducted by a certified auditor. In this blog, Palo Alto guides you in your search for an energy auditor. Read more

Understanding Your Home’s Water Usage

Water is a vital component of any home’s daily activities. From the heating and the plumbing to cooking and even landscaping, there’s almost an endless list of ways in which we use water every day. According to a 2016 study by the Water Research Foundation (“Residential End Uses of Water, Version 2.”), an average American home with four members will use over 10,000 gallons of water monthly. This amounts to almost 100 gallons per day per person. Read more

4 Common Causes of Noisy Water Pipes

Water pipes are expected to route tap water into your home, so if you have persistently noisy water pipes, they should be addressed by a professional plumbing contractor. The following are some common causes of noisy water pipes.

  1. Water Hammer – One of the most common causes of noisy pipes is known as water hammer. Water pipes carry a significant amount of pressure. If running water is interrupted by turning the faucet off quickly, the halted pressure travels back through the pipes, making a hammering noise that sounds as unnoticeable as a single tap, or loud and continuous like a jackhammer. Typical residential plumbing has air cushions that absorb the excess pressure, but can get worn out over time and will need to be fixed by a professional.

  2. Squealing Pipes – There are many reasons why water pipes can start squealing. One of the most common causes is an old, worn-out main shut off valve. You can tell this is the source if the sound carries throughout the house. Worn-out washers are another common cause of squealing pipes. Replacing these parts should be fairly simple with proper precautions, but if you’re not confident in replacing parts of your home’s plumbing, call a professional.

  3. Loose Pipes – Loose pipes are somewhat similar to the sound a water hammer makes, except that it happens randomly, instead of being triggered by faucets and showers opening and closing. If this is the case, your water pressure may be too high. Installing a pressure-reducing valve solves this problem.

  4. Toilets – A common problem with toilets is a banging or rattling noise heard as the tank ends its fill cycle. If this is the case, the ballcock assembly, the part that regulates the fill process, is worn out and will need to be replaced.

To learn more about our plumbing services, call Palo Alto Plumbing Heating & Air today at (650) 856-3400 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We are located in Palo Alto, CA and service surrounding areas.

Plumbing Basics Every Homeowner Should Know

You can learn a lot over the years as a homeowner. While some info you may pick up can be of a trivial nature, there are essential things you need to pick up sooner rather than later. Basic plumbing concepts fall into this category. Read more